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Our work covers all typical engineering disciplines such as mechanical, electrical, manufacturing, automotive and aerospace engineering, and many more. We often work with technologies that lie at the interface between these engineering disciplines and other technology areas such as materials, biology, software, or mathematics. It is the intersection of these fields that makes our work dynamic and engaging. It also means we are constantly developing new strategies to assist our clients and allows us to draw upon our diverse talent pool in order to assemble the best team for their projects.


Our services

Our core engineering team brings together patent attorneys with a wide range of technical and commercial backgrounds. Our engineering experience includes automotive, aerospace, electronic and electrical, mechatronics, manufacturing, environmental, optical, nuclear, subsea, design and many other engineering disciplines. The team also includes attorneys with backgrounds in complementary fields including materials science, physics, computer science, and mathematics.

As industry 4.0 progresses at increasing pace, engineering innovations often incorporate software, and many of our engineering attorneys also have experience in computer-implemented inventions, and vice-versa.


Keltie’s work in the engineering sector includes:


  • Clearance and due diligence searches
  • Branding assessments and trade mark protection
  • Invention harvesting and patent application preparation and prosecution
  • Portfolio management, enhancement and strategic development
  • Advising on infringement, enforcement and passing-off
  • Defensive and offensive oppositions
  • Counterfeit actions
  • Domain name and online enforcement
  • Negotiations/mediations/licensing/assignments
  • Trade secret management
  • Client training


Engineering - Keltie’s approach

We have a core engineering team at Keltie, but the diversity of our engineering work means that in reality, every attorney at Keltie is part of our engineering practice. This means that we can draw on the expertise we need from around the firm in order to put together the best team for our clients’ requirements.


Many of our engineering patent attorneys have spent time in industry or research before joining the IP profession, and enjoy the opportunity to bring their commercial experience to their patent work.


Together, we support engineering patents in any and all fields. We put together the best team of attorneys for your business’ needs from our diverse talent pool to ensure your intellectual property portfolio is planned, executed and maintained to the highest standards to safeguard your rights.

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