Chartered Patent Attorney
European Patent Attorney
UPC Representative
Chartered Trade Mark Attorney
European Trade Mark Attorney
Irish Registered Trade Mark Agent
UK and European Design Attorney
CEDR Accredited Mediator
BEng Engineering Science and Industrial Management, University of Liverpool
Diploma in Intellectual Property Litigation, Birkbeck College, University of London
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Sean deals with all forms of intellectual property but spends most of his time on patents and designs. His patent practice extends over a huge range of technologies, from catalysts to computers. He is also involved with designs ranging from textiles to logos.
The engineering science element of Sean's degree covered subjects as diverse as gas turbines and power transmission. He has applied that broad knowledge to patents in numerous electromechanical fields including refrigeration, heat/power plants and production engineering. Sean has a particular interest in automotive technology and has handled patent matters relating to engine configurations, exhaust systems, fuel systems, transmissions, suspension systems, braking and vehicle accessories.
Also having a substantial involvement in trade marks, Sean deals with some of the UK's best-known brands. He contributed a chapter on evidence of use to The Trade Mark Handbook published jointly by CIPA and CITMA.
Sean has in-depth experience of contentious and non-contentious matters extending across all areas of IP, including litigation, dispute resolution, due diligence and investor advice. He has appeared as an advocate before the UKIPO in patent, design and trade mark disputes and before EPO Examination Divisions, Opposition Divisions and Boards of Appeal.
The management element of Sean's degree has developed into a keen interest in management and commercial issues, both within the firm and outside.
Sean spent a year with an engineering company before starting his degree course at the University of Liverpool.
On graduating as a Bachelor of Engineering with honours in 1986, Sean entered the profession with another London firm of patent and trade mark attorneys.
Sean joined David Keltie Associates (now Keltie) in 1989. He qualified as a Chartered Patent Attorney and European Patent Attorney in 1992 and became a Chartered Trade Mark Attorney and a Member of the Chartered Institute of Trade Mark Attorneys in 1993. He became a European Trade Mark Attorney when the Community Trade Mark system began in 1996. He has been a partner since 1993.
Developing his interest in dispute resolution, Sean was one of the first UK patent attorneys to train as a mediator. He has also obtained a Diploma in IP Litigation from Birkbeck College.
Sean moved to Ireland in 2016 to establish Keltie's Galway office. He qualified as an Irish Registered Trade Mark Agent in 2017.
What people think about Sean
The 2013 IAM Patent 1000 describes Sean as an "all-round IP leader with a strong patent focus. Sean is as good, if not better, than any prosecutor featured on the rankings - his range of knowledge is simply staggering".
Sean is highly recommended in the fields of electromechanical, automotive and marine technology in the 2015 edition of Legal 500.
The IAM Patent 1000 2015 describes Sean as someone "who has both technical flair and genuine enthusiasm for innovation".
Managing Intellectual Property (MIP) has listed Sean as an IP Star since 2017.
Sean Cummings was recognised as a ‘recommended individual’ in the World Trade Mark Review (WTR) 1000 2024.
Ireland and the Unified Patent CourtDespite being an enthusiastic participant in the European Union, Ireland has sat on the sidelines of the EU’s Unified Patent Court (‘UPC’) project so far. But not for much longer – the Irish Government has announced that the necessary constitutional referendum will be held in June 2024 and that Ireland’s ratification of the UPC Agreement will be fast-tracked if the referendum passes.
Keltie turns 35: A look back at the journey so far with Sean CummingsSean Cummings joined the IP profession in 1986 after graduating with a degree in Engineering Science and Industrial Management. He qualified as a Chartered Patent Attorney and European Patent Attorney in 1992. Sean is also a Trade Mark Attorney qualified to act before the EU, UK and Irish Intellectual Property Offices, and a Professional Representative before the EU's new Unified Patent Court.
What is Quantum Computing? Part III20.10.2023
What is Quantum Computing? Part IOtherLess related knowledge
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