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Location and access

Our office at No. 1 London Bridge is located at the south end of London Bridge, on the south bank of the River Thames close to the Shard tower, HMS Belfast and Borough Market.


Keltie occupies the sixth floor of the East Tower of No. 1 London Bridge. The ground floor security desk at No. 1 London Bridge can be accessed by steps from the south end of London Bridge and is open during normal business hours from Monday to Friday.


Security demands that we receive visitors by prior appointment. Appointments can be made outside normal business hours on request.

Please note, we understand there are some problems with Google Maps locating our office. If you are experiencing problems, please try SE1 9BG.

MoreSufficiency at the EPO for AI inventions


Sufficiency at the EPO for AI inventions

At the European Patent Office, for the purposes of examination, applications disclosing and claiming subject matter relating to Artificial Intelligence or Machine Learning are treated in a similar manner to applications disclosing and claiming subject matter relating to other types of mathematical methods or algorithms implemented on a computer (see the EPO’s Guidelines for Examination (GfE) on AI inventions).

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