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By understanding an individual’s genetics, environment and lifestyle, clinicians and researchers can more accurately predict which treatments will work in which groups of people, and new relationships between genes, populations and drugs are being uncovered.


The goal of precision medicine is to treat a patient with an authorised drug or medical device that exactly matches their disease and genetic make-up while avoiding side effects as far as possible, but it typically stops short of customising a drug for each individual patient.


The sector includes cutting-edge technology requiring patent and trade mark services, in a wide range of areas all of which play a crucial role within precision medicine.


Our attorneys have developed world leading expertise working with precision medicine clients in the areas of personalised medicine, digital health, big data analysis, biosensors, point of care diagnostics and targeted therapeutics.


Our services

Our team of experienced patent and trade mark attorneys assist our clients in the precision medicine sector to protect their creations. Our attorneys specialise in the drafting of design, patent and trade mark applications to help businesses protect, promote and enforce the valuable intellectual property assets and rights created from their work.

Keltie is here to help clients to maximise and maintain the value of their creativity with expert advice, application search and filing and protecting your interests with rigorous enforcement processes, should the need arise.


Keltie’s work in the precision medicine sector includes:


  • Clearance and due diligence searches
  • Branding assessments and trade mark protection
  • Invention harvesting and patent application preparation and prosecution
  • Portfolio management, enhancement and strategic development
  • Advising on infringement, enforcement and passing-off
  • Defensive and offensive oppositions
  • Counterfeit actions
  • Domain name and online enforcement
  • Negotiations/mediations/licensing/assignments
  • Trade secret management
  • Client training


Precision medicine - Keltie’s approach

Precision medicine is one of the most promising approaches for combating some of the most challenging diseases, such as cancer, as well as for diagnosing and treating rare diseases. This means that our work to consult and devise effective intellectual property portfolio strategies is key. The cutting-edge advancements in science and technology within the sector could be extremely valuable to their creators, so it is vital that we ensure they enjoy as much protection as possible.


As well as our sector-experienced teams who continually work with our precision medicine clients, Keltie has industry-leading attorneys who ensure that the scientific aspects of any new medical technologies and processes are identified and protected.


Our approach focuses on putting together the best team of attorneys for your business’ needs from our diverse talent pool to ensure your intellectual property portfolio is planned, executed and maintained to the highest standards to safeguard your rights.

Continue reading about Precision Medicine
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UK publishes implementation plan for world’s most advanced genomic healthcare ecosystem

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UK Corporation tax U-turn increases the allure of Patent Box scheme

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