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About Lloyd

Lloyd began his career in the patent profession, as a Patent Attorney, following graduation and has worked with a wide range of technological subject matter including automotive and aerospace technology, satellites and telecommunications, medical devices including detectors, and software-based technologies such as image processing, audio analysis, and control systems. Lloyd has experience working with multinational corporations, SMEs and universities, and also has attended multiple opposition hearings before the EPO.

He graduated from Lancaster University in 2016 with a First Class Master’s degree in Theoretical Physics with Mathematics. His degree included a year spent studying at Purdue University in the USA, and his Master’s dissertation was in the field of photonics.

Lloyd joined Keltie in 2024 having qualified as a Chartered (UK) Patent Attorney in 2023, and a European Patent Attorney in 2021.

Ireland and the Unified Patent Court


Ireland and the Unified Patent Court

Despite being an enthusiastic participant in the European Union, Ireland has sat on the sidelines of the EU’s Unified Patent Court (‘UPC’) project so far. But not for much longer – the Irish Government has announced that the necessary constitutional referendum will be held in June 2024 and that Ireland’s ratification of the UPC Agreement will be fast-tracked if the referendum passes.

From Oceans to Innovation: The Power of Kelp


From Oceans to Innovation: The Power of Kelp

Is part of the answer to climate change to be found in the sea? Researchers are increasingly looking into applications of kelp and other forms of seaweed, as well as how to preserve and cultivate underwater forests.

Get in touch with Lloyd


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