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About Sarah

Sarah graduated from Imperial College London in 2015 with a Master’s Degree in Physics with a Year in Europe. Her studies included a wide range of Physics topics which included quantum mechanics, plasma physics, quantum computing, general relativity, cosmology and electromagnetism.

During her degree, Sarah spent a year studying at Phelma, Grenoble INP in France, where she completed her Master’s project studying the generation of a plasmonic response in metallic nanoparticles.


Sarah joined Keltie in 2017, and is training to become a qualified UK and European patent attorney.

Ten differences between UK and EU registered designs


Ten differences between UK and EU registered designs

Since Brexit, EU registered design protection no longer covers the UK. As a result, many design owners and IP practitioners have found themselves filing UK designs for the first time. Are you up to speed on UK practice? Here's a quick-glance guide to the key differences between the EU and UK design systems...

Patents, plausibility and data: one year on from G 2/21


Patents, plausibility and data: one year on from G 2/21

On 23 March 2023, the European Patent Office (EPO) Enlarged Board of Appeal (EBA) published its decision in case G 2/21, concerning plausibility in patent applications. The decision provided useful guidance on how much data needs to be disclosed in a patent application to overcome objections based on the grounds of lack of inventive step and insufficiency. One year on, we take a look at how the EPO has been applying this standard in the life sciences field.

Get in touch with Sarah


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